Monday 21 April 2008

my children

bad news

first of all - i am very sorry for my lack of posts recently. i haves been very busy with coursework, hanging out with archie and frank (the tortoises) and saving lives in the batmobile.

but please fans, do not fret! come friday, my coursework will be over, and i will have nothing to do other than blog blog blog. ah, and revise..

good news

i will update such things like afiya's departure, harry and george (the tortoises) and my recent crime-stopping wave.

so hold on tight till friday, i might be more persuaded to post more if you lazy tarts actually bothered to comment my wo
rks. but do not fear, i will return come friday

in the meantime, enjoy an exclusive interview i found with Fat Mick:

"Reporter: Hello! My name is John Alderman, and im here today with the world famous Fat Mick, the fattest man on the planet! So Mick, how are you today?

: eruuhmyumhmmyummymunchm

End of Interview"

Turns out the reporter's mic got bitten off along with his hand. oh fat mick, you are so fat you fat lardtard fatty fatty boomboom. id watch out, he has been missing for a while, reported to have been munchin his away across worthing. apparently he likes to surprise his prey by jumping out of their car boots when they least expect it. w
atch out kids

last seen photo of fat mick. they are infact both fat mick, he's so fat he had to store some of it in one of his victims

much love, joseph and his two tortoises (sam and george)

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