Tuesday, 5 August 2008

journal of a shaman


Dearest diary,

yes its true. last night i became the ultimate shaman.

all is lost.
the horrors of hell fell upon my neck in the form of the shaman necklace. the lowest of the low, even lower than michael bloody short. im finding it difficult to go on with life. my parents aren't talking to me, ive actually been kicked out of the house until ive regained my pride. at this very moment im sitting in a dingy internet cafe..

its effected my body in strange ways: my eyesight has dimmed, everything is in black and white. my arms feel limp and weak. and my weenus, well.. you really dont wanna know

and its also ruined my modelling career. had a photo shoot after the boys left this morning, i could pull off the stances, but my face has been contorted into a ghastly grimace, i cant smile if i have nothing to be happy about:

i gotta go, check back tomorow for DAY 2 of the shaman journals xx

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